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Washington Evaluators is a professional society devoted to fostering state-of-the-art knowledge and information sharing about evaluation. Based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, Washington Evaluators members come from a diverse mix of federal, state, and local government agencies, universities and educational settings, corporate businesses and independent consulting firms, and nonprofit associations. 

Learn more about us, attend an event, and learn about membership.

Read the Embodying Antiracism Principles and Practices in Evaluation statement by the Washington Evaluators Board 

Upcoming Events

Meetings, professional development, happy hours, and more. Below is a brief list of upcoming events. For a complete list, visit the Upcoming Events page.

Washington Evaluators News

Publishing a new evaluation article or have other evaluation news?  Let us know at communications@washingtonevaluators.org!

Get Involved

Become a member or volunteer to lead a brown bag, plan a happy hour, or work on a special project. 

(c) 2017 Washington Evaluators  

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