Are you a member and interested in becoming more involved in Washington Evaluators? Learn about our committee structure and available volunteer opportunities below then let us know how you'd like to participate! Communications CommitteeWE's Communications Committee maintains communications with and among members. The committee is responsible for WE publications, email distributions for members, and engagement on social media. We are looking for new members interested in live-tweeting and photographing WE events. Community Engagement CommitteeEstablished in 2019, WE's newest committee is responsible for coordinating engagement with the community through Evaluation Without Borders, Mentor Minutes, and the New Professional Scholarship. Committee members are responsible for coordinating and supporting these initiatives. Membership CommitteeWE's Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting new members, maintaining the membership database and directory, and coordinating activities to retain existing members. Current committee members are responsible for reaching out to new members and developing activities that highlight member expertise, such as the member spotlight. Program CommitteeWE's Program Committee plans activities that encourage member interaction, networking, and professional development. Committee members are responsible for identifying and negotiating appropriate locations for meetings and events, and work to facilitate cooperative programmatic activities with partner organizations and individuals. Volunteers specifically help plan brownbag events, networking events, and other program opportunities. |