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Call for Nominations: 2018 Washington Evaluators Board of Directors

Wed, October 11, 2017 6:40 PM | Deleted user

Call for Nominations:  


This fall, two elected positions on the Washington Evaluators Board of Directors are open for election:  President-Elect and Secretary.  Current Washington Evaluators members in good-standing are invited to submit nominations for other members (with their consent) or for themselves to washeval@gmail.com.   

Nominations will be accepted for the following positions:

· President-Elect (one-year term; three-year commitment)

· Secretary (two-year term) -- Recommended skills:  Notetaking, record keeping

Responsibilities for both positions are described in the Washington Evaluators by-laws

Nomination Instructions:  In the subject line of the email, please include the phrase "2018 WE Election Nomination."  Nominations should include a one paragraph description of the individual's qualifications (250 word maximum) and a one paragraph vision for the position if elected (250 word maximum).  All nominations must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

Election Process:  Nominees will be invited to a call with Washington Evaluators Board members to discuss their interest in the position and qualifications on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 (date to be confirmed immediately following October 11, 2017 Board Meeting).

Shortly after this call, the Board will approve the ballot. The ballot will be made available to Washington Evaluators members immediately after approval. Voting will commence through 11:59 PM on October 25th. Election results will be announced the following week. 

Questions About the Election:  Questions about the election process or candidate eligibility may be sent by email to washeval@gmail.com.  Please include the phrase “Election Question" in the subject of the email.

(c) 2017 Washington Evaluators

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