Members of Washington Evaluators will be participating in the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) fall conference, Evaluation 2017, here in Washington, DC from November 6-11. At least 97 Washington Evaluators members will join the conference as presenters, panel chairs, group leaders, and discussants in over 170 sessions. These presentations collectively cover every time slot of the conference, exclusive of plenary sessions.
A list of the Washington Evaluators members participating in AEA sessions in any capacity is provided below (as of Oct. 2, 2017). Please refer to the official AEA conference program for all final session dates and times.
If you are a Washington Evaluators member and your presentation is not listed here, let us know at
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Pre-Conference Workshop - Two Day (Mon/Tues)
Pre-Conference Workshop - One Day (Tues)
Pre-Conference Workshop - Half Day (Wed AM)
Pre-Conference Workshop - Half Day (Wed PM)
Wednesday Concurrents 1:45pm-2:30pm
Wednesday Concurrents 2:35pm-3:15pm
Wednesday Opening Keynote 3:15 pm-4:15 pm
Wednesday Concurrents 4:30pm-6:00pm
- Soumya Alva, ICCE6: Learning to Action across International Evaluation: Perspectives from Africa
- Melissa Chiappetta, 2192: What we’ve learned from putting Adaptive Learning and Experimentation into practice
- Sathi Dasgupta, 1179: Meet the Pros: Intermediate Consulting Skill Fair
- Giovanni Dazzo, Jonathan Jones 2511: Raising the stakes: Building safety and trust in evaluations of at-risk populations
- Diana Epstein, 2375: Three- and Four-Armed Randomized Trials as Tools for Examining Multiple Policy Interventions: Risks and Rewards
- Angelo Gamarra, 1704: Creating a learning strategy to build M&E capacity and standardize measurements in women's leadership
- Rodney Hopson, 2810: GEDI 15 - Learning from the AEA GEDI Program Leaders and Mentors, 15 years and counting: Towards action to reshape the field of evaluation
- Akashi Kaul, CPE3: Participatory Evaluation: Engaging Participants in the Evaluation Process
- Carlisle Levine, 1458: Shifting the balance of power: Evaluating a foundation’s effort to build local advocacy capacity in sub-Saharan Africa
- Cheryl Oros, 3353: Federal Evaluation: Reflections by Naomi Goldstein
- Katelyn Sedelmyer, PREK127: Evaluating the Preparation and Development of Educators
- Jana Sharp, 1325: Other People Are Smart, Too: Management Lessons from Our Colleagues in Different Sectors
- Juna Snow, 3130: What are the implications of evaluators’ evaluation anxiety to program evaluation accountability standards and reflective practice competencies?
Wednesday Concurrents 6:15pm-7:15pm
- Joy Amulya, Anne Laesecke, 3089: Reflective M&E approaches
- Laura Arnston, Ami Henson, 2345: Learning from USAID Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Platform Contracts
- Val Caracelli, Stephanie Shipman, 2873: Are we making full use of Evaluation in the public sector?
- Imara Crooms, 2509: Freedom to Learn: How Adaptive Management Can Lead to Better Data, More Learning, and Stronger Programs
- Rodney Hopson, 1327: Beyond Culturally Responsive Evaluation: Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Equity-Oriented Organizational Practices
- Mary Hyde, 1892: Building a National Evaluation in Diverse Community Settings with a Common Protocol
- Alison Mendoza-Walters, 2993: GEDI15 Alumni Reflections: How Learning to Action Produces Culturally Responsive Evaluation Knowledge-Brokers and Leaders
- Svetlana Negroustoueva, 2773: Gender, M&E and Environmental Programming in Climate Finance Institutions – Learning What Works and How
- Joe Wholey, 3088: Understanding and Managing Factors that Affect Evaluation Use and Nonuse
Wednesday Posters, 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm
- Jessica Gajarsa, 3084: Using comparative case studies to assess pathways to sustainability and scale in developing contexts
- Robin Kelley, 2678: Linking Communities to Care (LINC) through HIV and PrEP Navigation program
- Tara Marie Lightner, 2851: Think Fast, Act Faster: Short, Flexible, and Useful Evaluations
- Tamarah Moss, 2648: Enhancing evaluation practice through a case study of HIV Workforce training evaluation in the Caribbean
- Kathryn Newcomer, 1098: Building Evaluation Capacity for Both Students and Clients: Incorporating Applied Learning in Evaluation Courses
- Ichhya Pant, 2328: Evaluation of innovative technological tools for HIV prevention
- William Pate, 2469: From Learning to Action: An Applied Example of Propensity Score Matching
- Jonathan Pearson, 3282: Hey Government! Let’s get more from evaluation: Expanding the utility of performance indicators by tailoring to our audiences
- Jacqueline Singh, 1796: Using Conceptual Frameworks When Logic Models Alone Just Won’t Do
- Brandie Taylor, 2159:Comparative Study of P01 and R01 Grant Mechanisms at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Brandie Taylor, 2152: Evaluation of the ‘Facilitating Remote Meeting Essentials’ Training Course at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Brandie Taylor, 2380: Methods to Determine the Value of Biomedical Research at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Brandie Taylor, 2144: Promoting Evaluation Capacity through the Use of an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract Mechanism at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH
- Brian Yates, 2304: Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of CBT versus LT for SAD at Second-Winter
Thursday Concurrents 8:00am-9:00am
- Michelle Abraczinskas, 2261:Using the Interactive Systems Framework to Guide Evaluation in Community Capacity-Building Interventions
- Melissa Chiu, 2454: Moving Beyond the Barriers 2.0 - Effective Models for Using Administrative Data to Generate Evidence and Enhance Evaluation Capacity
- Hillary Eschenburg, 2682: Innovative Qualitative Approaches to Capturing Complexity: Three Case Studies
- Dale Hill, 2890: An” Inconvenient Truth” for Evaluators: Credibility-based Programming for Small Non-Profits can be Optimal
- Deborah Levy, Kate Rohrbaugh, 2797: All About Action: Evaluation Methods in the International Development Context at the Peace Corps
- Alison Mendoza-Walters, HE6: Juggling the needs of multiple parties and building capacity through engagement with partners and stakeholders
- Stephen Porter, 2423: Conducting Evaluation System Diagnostics - Tools and Experience from INGOs and Governments
- Jacqueline Singh, 2248:The OL-ECB Commons Project: Refining the open source repository
- Veronica Thomas, 1429: Cultural Conflicts of Interest: Definition, Description, and Avoidance
Thursday Concurrents 10:30am-11:15am
Thursday Concurrents 11:30am-12:15pm
Thursday Birds of a Feather, 12:15 pm-1:15pm
Thursday Concurrents 1:15pm-2:00pm
Thursday Concurrents 2:15pm-3:00pm
Thursday Concurrents 3:15pm-4:15pm
- Michelle Abraczinskas, YFE3: Youth Voices in Evaluation
- Heather Britt, Travis Mayo, 2731: Building Capacity for Evaluation Use in the United States Agency for International Development: The Road to Better Fit
- Melissa Chiappetta, 3246: Know What Works NOW (or quickly at least)
- Diana Epstein, Stephanie Shipman, 1207: Developing Evaluation Policies for Foreign Aid
- Annette Fay, MME2: Mixed Methods Evaluation and Social Issues
- Carlisle Levine, 1142: Advancing Advocacy and Policy Change Evaluation Practice: Leveraging the Wisdom From the Field
- Kathryn Newcomer, Presidential Strand, 2105: Games we can play: experiences and prospects of applying gaming simulations in evaluation practice
- Cheryl Oros, Travis Rutledge, NPF4: Successful Tools and Strategies for Nonprofit Data Collection
- Linda Stern, 2734: Creating Organizational Space for Evaluative Learning in the Democracy Assistance Sector: Experiences from the National Democratic Institute
- Dana Wanzer, DVR1: Utilizing Data Visualization to Reduce Complexity and Enhance Understanding
- Dana Wanzer, PREK1211: Whose Voices Determine Success?
Thursday Concurrents 4:30pm-5:15pm
Thursday Topical Interest Group Business Meetings (1), 5:15pm – 6:00pm
Topical Interest Group Business Meetings (2), 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Friday Concurrents 8:00am-9:30am
- Karen Allen, Lisa O’Rielly, Karen Synder, 3063: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Filling the M&E Gaps for Effective Interventions
- Marcia Brown, Siobhan Green, 2023: Responsible Data Practices for Digital Development
- Melissa Chiappetta, 3034: New directions in using experiments for international evaluations
- Imara Crooms, 2563: Hidden Systems: Conducting Political Economy Analysis in Difficult Data Contexts
- Annette Fay, 3262: Lessons learned from designing and executing ex-post evaluations of international development programs
- Donna Mertens, 2249: The contribution of gender-responsive budgeting to national policy dialog
- Patricia Moore Shaffer, 2281: Shared Measurement and Strategic Learning: Arts Education Collective Impact Initiatives
- Kathryn Newcomer, 1966: Learning Together: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally to Build Evaluator and Evaluation Capacity
- Julia Rollison, GE4: We Evaluate Our Programs…But what do we learn?
- Brian Yates, Nick Hart, Presidential Strand, 2222: Adopting Economic Cost-Effectiveness Analyses to Enhance Evaluation Practices
Friday Concurrents 11:00am-11:45am
Friday Concurrents 1:45pm-3:15pm
- Cynthia Clapp-Wincek, Svetlana Negroustoueva, Presidential Strand, 2346: AEA's Role in EvalPartners’ Global Initiatives and EvalAgenda2020
- Cynthia Clapp-Wincek, 1577: Sustainable Development? Prove it! Improve it!
- Heather Dantzker, 2743: Integrating Environmental and Social Data to Improve Water Quality: Learning from Large-scale Evaluations in Minnesota and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Rebecca Frazier, 1997: How to Use a “Bundled” Evaluation Methodology to Translate Learning into Action for Grant-Makers and Smaller Programs and Non-Profits
- Rodney Hopson, Donna Mertens, 2984: The GEDI Legacy: Reflecting on Fifteen Years of Fostering Culturally Responsive Practices
- Patricia Moore Shaffer, 1606: Grant Portfolio Evaluation in the Arts
- Jana Sharp, 2445: Engaging Clients through the Art of Adult Learning
Friday Concurrents 3:30pm-4:15pm
- Stephen Axelrad, Julianne Manchester, MVE1: Evaluation Capacity Building for Military Health
- Denise Baer, Linda Stern, 2386: Learning in the Long Term: What happens when a donor asks for less frequent evaluation and reporting?
- Kerrin Barrett, Nick Zyznieuski, OL-ECB2: Bridging the Gap: Building New Evaluation Capacities
- Kerrin Barrett, Nick Zyznieuski, 3061: How do we know what’s really going on out there?: Remote Monitoring in Conflict-Affected Areas Using SurveyCTO
- Suzanne Callahan, ACA1: Utilizing Cultures of Learning in the Arts
- Cynthia Clapp-Wincek, Kathryn Newcomer, Presidential Strand, 2387: U.S. Actions Towards EvalAgenda2020
- Tammy Tippie, 2926: Evaluating Institutional & Mission Performance Across the Government: the U.S. Performance Improvement Council as a learner, advisor, and non-traditional evaluator
- Lisa Frehill, OL-ECB4: It's All About Relationships: Trust and Partnership in Evaluation Capacity Building
Friday Concurrents 4:30pm-5:15pm
Friday Concurrents 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm
- Celeste Brubaker, 2407: Putting Money Where the Results Are: New Insights on Improving Outcomes by Tying Funding to Results Using Rigorous Evaluation
- Stephanie Cabell, Presidential Strand, 1826: Developing and Sustaining Communities of Practice (CoP): Creative Strategies for Learning, Engagement, and Inclusion
- Nick Hart, Patricia Moore Shaffer, Brian Yoder, 2639: Communicating About Evaluation With Senior Government Officials
- Mary Kane, 1930: Competency-based self-assessment for professional development and organizational improvement: an example from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
- Anne Laesecke, SNA2: Large Cross-Sector Partnerships
- William Pate, 3233: Improving outcome measurement
- Valerie Varela, 1222: Evaluation and social enterprise: Bridging the gap between two worlds
Friday Concurrents 6:30pm-7:15pm
Saturday Concurrents 8:00am-9:00am
Saturday Concurrents 9:15am-10:00am
Saturday Concurrents 10:15am-11:00am
Saturday Concurrents 11:15am-12:00pm
- Gail Barrington, 1625: Presenting the Final Draft of the AEA Evaluator Competencies
- Shannon Griswold, 1472: Challenges to adopting innovations in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (and potential solutions!)
- Travis Mayo, 3118: Evaluation for Learning in Practice
- Cheryl Oros, 2836: Meta-analysis: The How To for calculating effect sizes and conducting a successful analysis
- Kate Rohrbaugh, 1696: If an Evaluation Report Falls In a Forest, Does It Make a Sound?
- Beth Slater, 2786: Collaborative, Participatory & Empowerment Evaluation
Post-Conference Workshop - Half Day (Sat PM)