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August 2015 Member Spotlight: Eric Abdullateef

Sat, August 01, 2015 5:35 PM | Deleted user

Eric is a chief performance advisor. He has served in this capacity since 2012 with USAID’s Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad. This office aims to optimize US public diplomacy through financial assistance to overseas institutions. He is responsible for institutionalizing collaboration, learning and adapting the program’s operations to accelerate US national interests and foster favorable overseas relations. He is an institutional contractor with Macfadden Associates. He was previously posted to USAID’s Office of Civilian Response as a monitoring and evaluation specialist for three years, where he investigated program performance issues and assessed USAID’s contribution to development, diplomacy and U.S. national security priorities. He holds an MBA from the University of California Berkeley. He is the immediate (2012-2013) past president of the Washington Evaluators, the DC Metro affiliate of the American Evaluation Association.

Eric joined Washington Evaluators in 2007, shortly after relocating to the District of Columbia after 14 years in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he was amember of Hawaii’s AEA affiliate H-­‐PEA. His move was driven by a hot pursuit of an international development evaluation portfolio, which he ultimately found at USAID. Washington Evaluators can be credited with being extraordinarily welcoming, expanding his network and illuminating Washington’s complex inner workings. He affectionately calls Washington Evaluators his “professional church home.” 

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