Washington Evaluators members receive a $25 discount on the
Introduction to R Workshop with David Keyes
When: Oct. 22, 2019, ET. Two sessions:
Morning 8:30-1:00 / Afternoon: 1:00-4:30
Where: 444 North Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 20001. Metro: Union Station (red line)
To get the WE member discount:
1. First "register" on this WE event page. You will receive a discount code in your registration confirmation email.
2. Then apply the discount code when registering for the workshop, here.
About the Workshop
Washington Evaluators is delighted to partner with David Keyes to host the Washington DC stop of his R for the Rest of Us Roadshow. If you are like many in the evaluation community, you may have been thinking about learning R. Here's the opportunity you need to get started.
On October 22, David will host two half-day Introduction to R workshops designed to take participants from “I’ve heard of R” to “Wow, I can use R!” You'll gain the fundamentals skills you need to be successful with R, learning to import data, wrangle and analyze it, and produce high-quality data visualization to effectively communicate results. And you’ll do all this while working in RMarkdown, the all-in-one tool that enable you to go from data import to final report, all in R.
Each workshop is limited to 15 participants, giving everyone plenty of opportunity to ask questions and get personalized feedback. And participants get 50% off the Fundamentals of R online course and coaching so that the workshop is only the first stop on your R journey.
Early bird pricing is available through October 1, and Washington Evaluators members are eligible for a $25 discount. All the details are available on the R for the Rest of Us website.
About David
David Keyes has over a decade of experience conducting research and evaluation. During this time, he has led the Mexican Migration Field Research Program at the University of California, San Diego, conducted evaluation work as part of the Oregon Community Foundation research team, and served as a data visualization consultant to other researchers and evaluators, helping them to improve the quality of their data visualization. In recent years, David has also trained evaluators (and others) to use R, the most powerful tool for data analysis and visualization, as the founder of R for the Rest of Us.