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Brown Bag: Causal Link Monitoring, Heather Britt

  • Fri, April 26, 2019
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Democracy Fund 1200 17th St NW #300, Washington, DC 20036 (metro: Dupont Circle or Farragut North)


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Please join Washington Evaluators for a seminar with Heather Britt.

Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) is an integrated approach to project design and monitoring. At its heart, the approach consists of cycles of design, monitor/evaluate, re-design repeated over the life of the project to continually inform adaptive management. During project design, CLM enhances the logic model by pinpointing where cause-and-effect relationships are less certain and where a design will be most sensitive to influence from its operating context. The CLM monitoring, evaluation and learning plan is designed to track the uncertain, emergent, contested and dynamic aspects of the project as it adapts. The brief (authored by Heather Britt, Richard Hummelbrunner and Jackie Greene) synthesizes a decade of trial applications, expert reviews, and lessons learned.


Heather Britt is a Senior M&E Specialist USAID’s MECap task order where she builds the capacity of USAID and implementing partner staff to commission, manage, conduct, and learn from innovative M&E approaches. Heather authored USAID’s Complexity-Aware Monitoring Discussion Note and served as the technical lead for USAID’s Complexity-Aware Monitoring and Evaluation (C-AM&E) initiative. She co-authored method briefs on Outcome Harvesting and Causal Link Monitoring, and papers on innovative solutions to M&E challenges. She served as Chair and Co-Chair of AEA’s Systems in Evaluation TIG 2015-2018 where she led a collaborative process to draft principles of systems-informed evaluation. She has more than 20 years of experience in evaluation, technical assistance, capacity building and project management.    


The event is free. Members may register to attend remotely via a call-in line.

We look forward to seeing you there!   

(c) 2017 Washington Evaluators

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