April 19, 2017 WE Board Meeting -- AGENDA
Virtual -- By Phone
1. Call to Order, Introductions, and Virtual Call Protocols @ 6:00 p.m. (Hart)
2. Approval of Minutes (Jones)
Discussion Items
3. Scholarship Task Force Proposal (Latoya Parker)
4. Website Update Proposal (Hart for Shaffer)
Board Reports
5. President's Report (Hart)
6. President-Elect (Cabell)
7. Past-President (Bernstein)
8. Treasurer (Carey)
9. Secretary (Jones)
10. Program Chair (Dazzo)
11. Membership Chair (Kelley)
12. Communications Chair (Shaffer -- absent)
13. Other Announcements
Washington Evaluators Washington, DCcommunications@washingtonevaluators.org
(c) 2017 Washington Evaluators